Note: Different first page can be applied to the first page of any section in your document, not just the very first page.
Tip: If you want your second page to start at 1 rather than 2, go to Insert > Page Number > Format Page Numbers, and set Start at under Page Numbering to 0, rather than 1.
If the first page of your document is a cover page, the second page is a table of contents, and you want the third page to show “Page 1”, see Start page numbering on Page 3 - double-sided printing.
Choose the scenario that most closely matches what you want to do:
You don't want a page number to appear on your title page, but you want the second page to show "Page 2."
Remove the page number from the first pageWord displays the Header & Footer tab." />
Note: Different first page can be applied to the first page of any section in your document, not just the very first page.
If the first page of your document is a cover page, the second page is a table of contents, and you want the third page to show “Page 1”, see Start page numbering on Page 3 - double-sided printing.
Renumbering all but the first page" />
For more info on page numbers, see Page numbering in Word.
Pre-numbered blank document templates with no page number on the first page:
Footer page numbers