The Design of Dormitory Management System for College Students Based on Android Platform

Abstract Managing the student’s accommodation application process at College of Agriculture Lafia is a complex and time-sensitive task. This research work deals with the problems of managing and allocating hostels to students in College of Agriculture Lafia and to avoid the problems which occur when carried out manually. The aim of this research work “Online Hostel Management System” is to develop a web based system with a central database that will automatically allocate rooms to students, manage records related to the hostel, the system designed will keep track of all the available hostel rooms, their occupants and fund generated from hostel fee. Information for this research work was collected from two forms of data which are primary and secondary data. These are done by semi structured interviews and exploitation of the services of the library from textbooks, journals, internet and other materials for purpose of better understanding. The new system was implemented using PHP and MySQL. The result of the research is a Hostel Management and Allocation System for College of Agriculture Lafia.

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This project focuses on developing an Educational Mobile Application called LearnAll. This application will be developed for Primary School Students around Malawi. It mainly targets primary school students from standard 3 to 5. LearnAll will have various features that include; tutorials and books that will help in improving students learning. It will also improve teacher-student and parent-student collaboration in such a way that teachers will be able to associate with their students by posting tutorials and other learning resources. The students will have the ability to post some questions. The objective of this project is to build an educational application for primary school students. For the students will be able to access various sources of academia information. For the teachers this software will provide the ability for them to interact with their students by posting various academia materials or sources. Having a software like this one, the primary students with the help of teachers, will help them attain knowledge outside classrooms. The system design will be made by the use of a hierarchical navigation structure that will describe the flow of data in the software. Database of the system is designed with ERDs and normalization. For system development java will be used as the programming language and MySQL will be used with the use of SQL to develop the database. Testing of the system will be done by hosting this application on selected computers and mobile devices of the selected primary schools. The system will be launched for the use by the students and the teachers after a successful testing.

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This study provides a unique insight to computerization of attendance registration system with the exploitation of Waterfall Software Development Life Cycle technology. The development of this software originated from the importance of records of students' attendance that influences academic accomplishments in higher institutions of learning.

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The exponential growth of information has made it important for learning to take place quickly. The emergence of ICT and the Internet has greatly influenced the way knowledge delivered. This has resulted in the development of learning management system. Here, the developer sees this sophisticated technology to help lecturers at the university to reduce their burdens in spreading the knowledge or announcements about their future class planning to students. This report presents brief detail of the project based for a task or event viewer via Android mobile application to be developed as part of University Malaysia Pahang (UMP) final year project. The aim of this project is to develop an Android-based mobile application that can provide information delivery from one device to another. This information could be an announcement, event, task or reminder. This project also aimed to establish connections of integrated databases of user’s information among UMP lecturers and students. This pr.

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Application and implementation of HOSTEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: Case Study of Federal College of Education Obudu Cross River State Nigeria.

As the name specifies “HOSTEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” is software developed for managing various activities in the hostel. For the past few years the number of educational institutions is increasing rapidly. Thereby the number of hostels is also increasing for the accommodation of the students studying in this institution. And hence there is a lot of strain on the person who are running the hostel and software’s are not usually used in this context. This particular project deals with the problems on managing a hostel and avoids the problems which occur when carried manually. Identification of the drawbacks of the existing system leads to the development of computerized hostel management system for Catholic University College of Ghana that will be compatible to the existing system with the system which is more users friendly and more GUI oriented. We can improve the efficiency of the system, thus overcome the drawbacks of the existing hostel management system. Less human error, Strength and strain of manual labor can be reduced, High security, Data redundancy can be avoided to some extent, Data consistency, Easy to handle, Easy data updating, Easy record keeping, Backup data can be easily generated.

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International Journal of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing

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In many areas, technology has facilitated many things, diagnosing diseases, regulating traffic and teaching students in schools rely on Intelligent systems to name a few. At present, traditional classroom-based education is no longer the most appropriate in schools. From here, the idea of intelligent e-learning for students to increase their culture and keep them updated in life began. E-learning has become an ideal solution, relying on artificial intelligence, which has a footprint in this through the development of systems based on education without a teacher taking into account the individual differences of students. This study describes intelligent tutoring system for teaching the Data Manipulation Language (DML) Commands Using SQLite to non IT students to overcome the difficulties they face. The System was built as education system by using the researcher own authoring tool that based on mobile and web App. The basic idea of this system is a systematic introduction into the con.

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College Activity management system project is developed and implemented in cross-platform. The main objective of this system is to design or develop a software portal for schools or colleges for maintaining lectures details, student's attendance information, and student's internal and external marks managing system. Students will use this system from anywhere to know about details on attendance and marks and communicate with respectable members for doubts. Latest data on marks and school or college data are modified or updated by the administrator which is available for lecturers and students Presently to maintain data about different aspects, the school or college is using manual process i.e., using huge registers and books. Now the school or the college needs a computerized and advanced environment where it is simple for storing data regarding student information, their attendance, faculty details, course details, marks reports, and schedule. Current manual flow it is a di.

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Today, there has been a rise in the number of students and learning institutions around the globe. This increase has led to the high demand in data management on student hostel accommodation and the Web based Student Hostel Management System cannot be ignored. In order to Design and implement a web based student Hostel management system, a study was carried out at Mufulira College of Education (MUCE). A Study design was adopted to collect data using the observation, semi-structured interview guide, questionnaires and document analysis techniques. The findings revealed that Mufulira College of Education uses the manual system in allocating hostels to students and there is too much paper work to be filled in by students and staff. The identification of the drawbacks of the existing manual system lead to the designing and implementation of a web based student Hostel management system for MUCE using a Model View Controller Framework. The Web based Student Hostel Management Application System is an online application which is created through the use of PHP computer programming language and MySQL database application to both the students and the staff in charge of the registration and hostel management processes. HTML would be at the front-end and provide the graphical user interface that relates with the user, while the MySQL database will be at the back-end to handle the data storage process. The website administrator and students’ affairs officers will also be able to access and create student records with ease and regular update of student profile is enhanced when adopted. This system helps to improve hostel services for all the students needing hostel accommodation by providing online access and for managing various activities in the hostel. It also automate the student’s accommodation application process, allocates rooms to students, notifies students of their application status anytime they log onto the portal and also maintains the integrity of the information being processed by using password to limit access to only approved individuals.

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International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology

"eHostel" is an android application to automate the manual hostel management system of particular hostel associated with collage. It solves the important problems like room allocation, fee and fee receipt management, student management, complaint management, maintain visitor records, student leave management, and notice board. This application provides some additional facilities like secure user authentication, digital hostel pass, live notification, important form updates, user profile management.

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